Jeff, Who Lives at Home (2012)

Jeff Who Lives at Home

Taglines: The first step to finding your destiny is leaving your mother’s basement.

Thirty year old Jeff Thompkins believes in the cosmic order of the world. Taking a cue from his favorite movie Signs (2002), Jeff is waiting for a sign from the universe for what he is supposed to do with his life. In the meantime, he doesn’t work, lounges around his long widowed mother Sharon Thompkins’ suburban Baton Rouge basement where he lives, and smokes weed. Seemingly responsible Sharon and Jeff’s older brother Pat Thompkins don’t understand Jeff, who they want to do something, anything, with his life, rather than waste it away. Little do they realize that their own lives are in shambles, despite the signs being obvious to anyone looking in at them.

Sharon has not had love in her life since her husband Dan passed away a decade and a half ago, and doesn’t really feel connected to her children. And Pat is oblivious to the fact that he neglects and largely dismisses his wife Linda, who looks for emotional gratification from anywhere she can find it because of Pat’s behavior. One day, Jeff receives what he believes is a sign in the most everyday of occurrences: a wrong number, the caller who was looking for someone named Kevin.

As Jeff follows any lead for that mystery Kevin, he encounters Pat solely by chance. They end up spending much of their day together, as in Jeff’s search for the meaning of Kevin, he is there when Pat has the first spark of recognition that there is something wrong with his marriage as they spy Linda with another unknown man. Interspersed with helping Pat find out what Linda is doing with this man, Jeff still searches for how “Kevin” will change his life.

Meanwhile, Sharon receives her own sign at work in the form of flirty text message on her computer from an anonymous co-worker, calling himself her secret admirer. She and her friend and co-worker Carol try to discover the identity of the mystery man, who does not seem to want to come out from the shadows.

Jeff, Who Lives at Home is a 2011 Amer­i­can com­edy-drama film writ­ten and di­rected by Jay and Mark Du­plass, star­ring Jason Segel and Ed Helms, and co-star­ring Judy Greer and Susan Saran­don. The film pre­miered on Sep­tem­ber 14, 2011 at the 2011 Toronto In­ter­na­tional Film Fes­ti­val and then saw a lim­ited re­lease in the United States and Canada on March 16, 2012, after hav­ing been pushed back from the orig­i­nal date of March 2.

Jeff Who Lives at Home Move Poster

Jeff, Who Lives at Home (2012)

Directed by: Jay Duplass, Mark Duplass
Starring: Jason Segel, Susan Sarandon, Ed Helms, Judy Greer, Rae Dawn Chong, Steve Zissis, Evan Ross, Tim J. Smith, Ernest James, David Kency, Lance E. Nichols, Katie Aselton
Screenplay by: Jay Duplass, Mark Duplass
Production Design by: Chris L. Spellman
Cinematography by: Jas Shelton
Film Editing by: Jay Deuby
Costume Design by: Meagan McLaughlin
Set Decoration by: Michelle Marchand
Music by: Michael Andrews
MPAA Rating: R for language including sexual references and some drug use.
Distributed by: Paramount Pictures
Release Date: March 16, 2012

Hits: 90