Moonrise Kingdom (2012)

Moonlight Kingdom - Kara Hayward
Moonlight Kingdom – Kara Hayward

New Penzance Island, 1965. Twelve year old Sam Shakusky has left a note for Randy Ward, Master of Khaki Scout Troop 55, that he has voluntarily left Camp Ivanhoe at Fort Lebanon, where the troop is stationed, and is resigning from the scouts. It isn’t until this incident that Master Ward finds out that Sam is an orphan in the foster care system, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Billingsley, who operate a foster care factory of sorts, his current foster parents.

This information was not included within Sam’s file. This event places Sam’s status within the social services system in jeopardy. Master Ward, with the Island’s Police Department’s Captain Duffy Sharp and all of Khaki Scout Troop 55, go on a quest for the missing Sam, a task which evokes mixed emotions from the troop members, most who don’t like Sam and see him as being emotionally disturbed.

Elsewhere on the island, married lawyers Walt and Laura Bishop find that their oldest of four offspring and only daughter, twelve year old Suzy Bishop, is also missing. From a stack of correspondence they find, which amount to love letters, they learn that Suzy has probably run off with Sam, who they don’t even know. With Sam’s scouting knowledge and Suzy’s plentiful stock of supplies, they may be able to elude their trackers for quite a while. But as this large group search for the young pair, what they hope to accomplish may change as they come to understand Sam and Suzy’s individual and combined situations.

Moonrise Kingdom is a 2012 American coming-of-age film directed by Wes Anderson, written by Anderson and Roman Coppola. It features newcomers Jared Gilman and Kara Hayward leading a cast including Bruce Willis, Edward Norton, Bill Murray, Frances McDormand, Tilda Swinton, Jason Schwartzman, and Bob Balaban. The film premiered at the 2012 Cannes Film Festival and received critical acclaim.

Moonlight Kingdom - Kara Hayward
Moonlight Kingdom – Kara Hayward

Film Review for Moonrise Kingdom

Wes Anderson’s mind must be an exciting place for a story idea to be born. It immediately becomes more than a series of events and is transformed into a world with its own rules, in which everything is driven by emotions and desires as convincing as they are magical. “Moonrise Kingdom” creates such a world and takes place on an island that might as well be ruled by Prospero. It’s set in 1965, though it might as well be set at any time.

On this island no one seems to live except for those involved in the story. There is a lighthouse in which the heroine, Suzy, lives with her family, and a Scout camp where the hero, Sam, stirs restlessly under what seem to him childish restrictions. Sam and Suzy met the previous summer and have been pen pals ever since, plotting a sort of jailbreak from their lives during which they could have an adventure out from under the thumbs of adults, if only for a week.

Sam (Jared Gilman) is an orphan, solemn behind oversized eyeglasses, an expert in scouting. Suzy (Kara Hayward) is bookish, a dreamer. When they have their long-planned secret rendezvous in a meadow on the island, Sam is burdened with all the camping and survival gear they will possibly need, and Suzy has provided for herself some books to read, her kitten and a portable 45 rpm record player with extra batteries.

Moonrise Kingdom

Because this is a Wes Anderson film, you know Bill Murray will appear in it. He has worked in the last five of Anderson’s six films. In “Moonrise Kingdom,” he plays Walt Bishop, Suzy’s father, and Frances McDormand is her mother. Murray is always right for a role in an Anderson film, and I wonder if it’s because they share a bemused sadness. You can’t easily imagine Murray playing a manic or a cut-up; his eyes, which have always been old eyes, look upon the world and waver between concern and disappointment.

In Anderson’s films, there is a sort of resignation to the underlying melancholy of the world; he is the only American director I can think of whose work reflects the Japanese concept mono no aware, which describes a wistfulness about the transience of things. Even Sam and Suzy, sharing the experience of a lifetime, seem aware that this will be their last summer for such an adventure. Next year they will be too old for such irresponsibility.

It is not a large island, but they think it must have a place where they can hide out. Sam has come prepared with maps for their trek, and they follow an old Indian trail to a secluded cove which they name Moonrise Kingdom. Here they make their camp, which a Scout leader is later to tell Sam is “the best-pitched camp I have ever seen.” And here, as they sit side by side and look out over the water, in a sense they regard the passage of innocence and the disturbing possibility of maturity.

Moonlight Kingdom - Kara Hayward
Moonlight Kingdom – Kara Hayward

Meanwhile, the adult world has launched a worried search for them. Suzy’s parents call in the police, led by Capt. Sharp (Bruce Willis). Scoutmaster Ward (Edward Norton) leads Sam’s fellow Scouts, who were not terrifically fond of the way he seemed to take the troop with less than utter dedication. A character known only as Social Services (Tilda Swinton) gets involved, because as an orphan, Sam is of special interest.

Anderson always fills his films with colors, never garish but usually definite and active. In “Moonrise Kingdom,” the palette tends toward the green of new grass, and the Scout’s khaki brown. Also the right amount of red. It is a comfortable canvas to look at, so pretty that it helps establish the feeling of magical realism.

The approaching turmoil of adolescence is foretold, however, by an approaching hurricane that places the lives of the young explorers in danger. Their trek, their camp and the search for them under the mounting danger reminds me of the sort of serials I used to follow in Boy’s Life magazine, although those regrettably were not co-ed.

The success of “Moonrise Kingdom” depends on its understated gravity. None of the actors ever play for laughs or put sardonic spins on their material. We don’t feel they’re kidding. Yes, we know these events are less than likely, and the film’s entire world is fantastical. But what happens in a fantasy can be more involving than what happens in life, and thank goodness for that.

Moonrise Kingdom Movie Poster

Moonrise Kingdom (2012)

Directed by: Wes Anderson
Starring: Bruce Willis, Edward Norton, Bill Murray, Frances McDormand, Tilda Swinton, Jason Schwartzman, Bob Balaban, Lucas Hedges, Charlie Kilgore, Chandler Frantz, Gabriel Rush
Screenplay by: Wes Anderson, Roman Coppola
Production Design by: Adam Stockhausen
Cinematography by: Robert D. Yeoman
Film Editing by: Andrew Weisblum
Costume Design by: Kasia Walicka-Maimone
Set Decoration by: Kris Moran
Art Direction by: Gerald Sullivan
Music by: Alexandre Desplat
MPAA Rating: PG-13 for sexual content and smoking.
Distributed by: Focus Features
Release Date: May 25, 2012

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