The Cabin in the Woods

The Cabin in the Woods (2012)

The movie opens with a pair of middle-aged men walking through some kind of facility discussing mundane details about marriage and potential children, while a younger woman in a lab coat is trying to inform them about an incident at the Stockholm facility. The two men are not particularly concerned about what she is telling them. They mention that the facility in Japan will get the job done, and that their U.S. facility usually comes in second place. As they board a golf cart and drive off, the younger of the two men invites the older one to come over to his house for the upcoming weekend.

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Tyler Perry's Good Deeds

Tyler Perry’s Good Deeds (2012)

The film opens with Wesley Deeds (Tyler Perry), head of the family-owned Deeds Corporation, dressing for work. His fiancée, Natalie (Gabrielle Union), fixes breakfast for him, noting his predictable routine. Before work, Wesley picks up his delinquent younger brother, Walter (Brian J. White), who lost his driver’s license after a string of DUIs. They have lunch with their mother, the respectable Wilimena Deeds (Phylicia Rashad). After lunch, Wilimena meets Natalie, Natalie’s mother, and Natalie’s best friend at the bridal shop. The two mothers urge Natalie to think about her future with Wesley.

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