Lady Bird (2017) - Saoirse Ronan

Lady Bird Movie Trailer (2017)

The opening moments of “Lady Bird” accomplish so much so quickly, it takes your breath away. A mother and daughter are engaged in the time-honored tradition of the senior-year road trip to check out college campuses. It is 2002, and they are intently listening to a book on tape—in this case, The Grapes of Wrath. As it concludes, the two smile at one another, sigh and wipe the tears from their eyes. Tom Joad and Ma would approve.

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Call Me by Your Name (2017)

Call Me by Your Name Movie Trailer (2017)

Luca Guadagnino’s films are all about the transformative power of nature—the way it allows our true selves to shine through and inspires us to pursue our hidden passions. From the wild, windswept hills of “I Am Love” to the chic swimming pool of “A Bigger Splash,” Guadagnino vividly portrays the outside world as almost a character in itself—driving the storyline, urging the other characters to be bold, inviting us to feel as if we, too, are a part of this intoxicating atmosphere.

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Call Me by Your Name (2017)

Call Me by Your Name (2017)

The Perlmans own a villa outside of Moscazzano in Northern Italy, where they spend their summers and Hannukah. They invite a graduate student to spend six weeks with them over the summer to help Professor Perlman with his work. This summer – 1983 – the student in question is an American named Oliver. While there, Oliver largely associates with the Perlmans’ seventeen year old son Elio and Elio’s friends, the females among the group whose hearts are aflutter by Oliver’s preppy good looks. Oliver, in fact, takes up casually with one of them, Chiara.

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