Colette (2018)

Colette (2018)

At the dawn of the 20th century, Colette tells the story of a woman whose inner voice as a writer has long been denied. She is willing to take extraordinary measures to promote the emergence of her inner voice as a new writer. Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette, is a young woman from a country village, and marries a charismatic and dominant Parisian, the eldest of fourteen. He is known only as “Willy”.

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Juliet, Naked (2018)

Juliet, Naked (2018)

Annie (Rose Byrne) is in an unhappy relationship with Duncan (Chris O’Dowd), a college teacher who is obsessed with Tucker Crowe ( Ethan Hawke), an obscure musician whose last work was released 25 years ago. Duncan operates a fan site dedicated to Crowe. One day, a package arrives in the mail containing an album, titled ‘Juliet, Naked’, of acoustic demos of the songs on Crowe’s hit album ‘Juliet’. Annie and Duncan listen to it separately, and have an argument over its quality. Annie writes a negative review of it on Duncan’s site.

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