The Candy Witch Movie Storyline. Reece (Jon Callaway) and Kat (Abi Casson Thompson) are paranormal-investigating lovers who host a popular online program (or run a massively subscribed-to account). They’re called to the countryside with reports of “The Candy Witch” haunting homeowners. She’s fabled to appear with a weaponized candy cane, which she uses to exterminate targets. Reese makes contact with the spirit but soon learns there’s a darker history on the premises than Ruth’s (Heather Jackson) family initially divulges.
The Candy Witch is anything but dangerous decadence but spotlights a few kills that are either intentionally or accidentally hilarious. Practical effects work won’t dazzle you with Willy Wonka appeal, and yet, this is where Rebecca Matthews earns her horror credentials. It’s just unfortunate the entirety of The Candy Witch is so seen-it-before underwhelming, where aesthetics could be a Home Depot blueprint for “Starter Haunted House #2.” A film that begins with maggot-infested chocolate pieces and ends without equally sweetened staying power, delivering conceptual hooks through a lens that’s become all-too-familiar.
The Candy Witch is an American film directed by Rebecca Matthews and starring Jon Callaway, Abi Casson Thompson, Kate Lush, Heather Jackson, Richard D. Myers, Will, Hannah Ponting, Jon-Scott Clark, Barbara Dabson, Kate Milner Evans and Richard Harfst. The screenplay is written by Scott Jeffrey. The film was released on June 9, 2020 by Uncork’d Entertainment.
The Candy Witch (2020)
Directed by: Rebecca Matthews
Starring: Jon Callaway, Abi Casson Thompson, Kate Lush, Heather Jackson, Richard D. Myers, Will, Hannah Ponting, Jon-Scott Clark, Barbara Dabson, Kate Milner Evans, Richard Harfst
Screenplay by: Scott Jeffrey
Production Design by: Molly Craggs
Cinematography by: Ben Collin
Film Editing by: Rebecca Matthews
Costume Design by: Scott Jeffrey
Makeup Department: Chelsea Murphy
Visual Effects by: Angel Kunev
MPAA Rating: None.
Distributed by: Uncork’d Entertainment
Release Date: June 9, 2020
Views: 80