Do You Love Me? (2023)

Do You Love Me? (2023) - Karyna Khymchuk
Do You Love Me? (2023) – Karyna Khymchuk

Do You Love Me? movie storyline. Kira is living her life with the teenage confidence that the world revolves around her. Born and raised in the late Soviet Ukraine, she sees her life predictable and clear. But it doesn’t last long.

Ukraine, one year before the collapse of the Soviet Union. Fun-loving Kira is 17 and is a budding actor, something she has no trouble proving before her bedroom mirror to the strains of “Venus” by Bananarama.

In an era known in Ukrainian as “Perebudova” or “remodelling”, colourful nylon stockings are all the rage, her parents’ generation is celebrating with caviar on toast and raising crystal glasses amidst not-quite-conformist paintings, and artistic types are wondering where they can get their hands on cheap dollars. Meanwhile, Kira retreats to the kitchen to investigate a plastic bag of flotsam from the West containing chewing gum, a glittery jumper and a can of Pepsi. Her life is about to take off, but her family and the country she lives in are beginning to fall apart.

Do You Love Me? (2023)

Paying great attention to (lovingly reconstructed) detail and suffused by the world of objects, Tonia Noyabrova’s semi-autobiographical coming-of-age story depicts the advent of self-reliance as a farewell to the illusions of childhood. Interweaving several episodes, her film chronicles the creeping but radical transformation that is taking place. The path to independence is uncertain and sometimes painful.

Do You Love Me is an Ukranian drama film directed by Tonya Noyabrova and starring Karyna Khymchuk, Maksim Mikhaylichenko, Olga Armosar, Natalia Lazebnikova, Oleksandr Zhyla, Darya Palagnyuk, Andrey Shabanov, Natalia Dibrova, Vasyl Nevolov and Niko Lapunov. The screenplay was written by Tonya Noyabrova.

Do You Love Me? Movie Poster (2023)

Do You Love Me? (2023)

Ty Mene Lubysh?

Directed by: Tonya Noyabrova
Starring: Karyna Khymchuk, Maksim Mikhaylichenko, Olga Armosar, Natalia Lazebnikova, Oleksandr Zhyla, Darya Palagnyuk, Andrey Shabanov, Natalia Dibrova, Vasyl Nevolov, Niko Lapunov
Screenplay by: Tonya Noyabrova
Production Design by: Volodymyr Romanov
Cinematography by: Vilius Maciulskis
Film Editing by: Tamuna Karumidze, Benjamin Mirguet
Costume Design by: Tetiana Kremen
MPAA Rating: None.
Distributed by: Strand Releasing
Release Date: August 25, 2023 (Ukraine Inteernational Film Festival)

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