Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs Movie Storyline. On Fairy Tale Island, a group of heroic princes (Merlin (the leader), Arthur, Jack, Hans and the triplets Pino, Noki and Kio) known as the Fearless Seven (F7) save a Fairy Princess from a dragon. But once they see her green face, they believe she is a witch and attack her. To teach them a lesson, she curses them to turn into green dwarfs whenever people look at them. In order to break the curse, they must get a kiss from “the most beautiful woman in the world”, which they doubt will happen due to their looks.
A year later, in the kingdom of King White, the evil witch Regina takes over after marrying the king and people begin disappearing, including the king himself. Regina uses a magic apple tree to try each day to create a pair of magic red shoes that provide eternal beauty, but continually fails.
Snow White, the overweight but very strong and kind daughter of King White returns to the castle to find out where her father is. She finds the newest pair of shoes and puts them on. These shoes finally work and transform her into a beautiful, thin princess. Regina attacks her, unaware she is her stepdaughter. Snow flees from her stepmother on a stolen broomstick as the magic tree dies. Following a message from her father, she goes to find the F7.
Snow crash lands at the Seven’s home. They are all immediately infatuated with her and surprised that she likes them in spite of their appearances. They decide to help her find her father, hoping to win her heart and a curse-breaking kiss. That night, thinking she saw her father, Snow (now under the alias of “Red Shoes”) runs into the forest but encounters a giant wooden bunny instead. The F7 save her and capture it. The triplets invent a giant wooden robot in the process.
The next day, following advice from her Magic Mirror, Regina hires the selfish pathetic Prince Average to find “the woman with the red shoes”, promising this woman will be his birthday party date. Snow and Arthur go to “Golden Goose Avenue” to distribute posters of King White. Merlin, who has been assigned to stay and watch over the bunny, manages to befriend it and rides it to join them. Snow briefly takes the shoes off and Merlin uses his magic lightning cards to save her from Average’s bullying guards.
Because he does not recognize her, she decides to keep the shoes on. When they return home, Average arrives with an army to force “Red Shoes” to be his date. The Seven rescue her and drive the invaders away. Snow grows especially close to Merlin and says she likes him the way he is “whether her eyes are open or closed”. She decides to show him her real self but finds she can no longer remove the shoes. When Average and his two henchmen return empty-handed, Regina gives them magic apples that turn them into monstrous wooden bears.
In the morning, Snow and Merlin use the broomstick to make the triplets’ robot fly and drop posters over Golden Goose Avenue, but Merlin’s daydreaming causes them to crash. As they wander by a river together, Snow confesses her feelings for Merlin and they kiss. Merlin is shocked to find the kiss did not work and his curse remains. Suddenly, Average and his henchmen attack.
Merlin convinces Snow to run and not look at him as he is stronger in prince form and defeats the monsters. But Average grabs him and they fall into the river. Snow jumps in to save him, but he is trapped under a large boulder. She removes the shoes, allowing her to use her strength to save Merlin. Three wooden bear cubs and the bunny come to help. Finally learning Snow’s identity, Regina decides to find her herself.
Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs is a 2019 English-language South Korean computer-animated fantasy film produced by Locus Corporation. It is based on the German fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm and its name from the Danish fairy tale Red Shoes. The film stars the voices of Chloë Grace Moretz, Sam Claflin, Gina Gershon, Patrick Warburton, and Jim Rash.
Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs (2020)
Directed by: Sung-ho Hong
Starring: Chloë Grace Moretz, Sam Claflin, Gina Gershon, Patrick Warburton, Jim Rash, Simon Kassianides, Frederik Hamel, Nolan North, Frank Todar, Brian T. Delaney, Piotr Michael
Screenplay by: Sung-ho Hong
Production Design by: Gennie Rim, Virginia Vega, Stacey Yoon
Film Editing by: Jessica Rojas Ambinder, Young Sik Uhm, Stan Webb
Art Direction by: ChiYeol Jung, SeoKi Lee
Visual Effects by: KookHyun Ahn
Music by: Geoff Zanelli
MPAA Rating: PG for some action / peril.
Distributed by: Next Entertainment World
Release Date: July 25, 2019 (South Korea)
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