Silk Road Movie Storyline. Inspired by larger-than-life actual events, this riveting crime thriller follows the rise and fall of Silk Road, the infamous darknet site that sent a seismic shock through the World Wide Web. Young, idealistic, and driven to succeed, Ross Ulbricht (Nick Robinson) creates the internet’s first unregulated marketplace: Silk Road. But when it becomes a multimillion-dollar pipeline for illicit drugs, Ross is set on a collision course with Rick Bowden (Jason Clarke), a disreputable and dangerously unpredictable DEA agent, who will use any means necessary to take him down.
Silk Road is a 2021 American crime thriller film, written and directed by Tiller Russell. The film stars Jason Clarke, Nick Robinson, Katie Aselton, Jimmi Simpson, Daniel David Stewart, Darrell Britt-Gibson, Lexi Rabe, Will Ropp, Paul Walter Hauser and Alexandra Shipp.
It is based on the true story of Ross Ulbricht who develops a website on the Dark net, an act which attracts the attention of the FBI and DEA who send in federal agent Richard “Rick” Bowden, a fictional composite of real life DEA Agent Carl Force and US Secret Service Special Agent Shaun Bridges both of whom were convicted of felonies related to theft of assets in the investigation of Ulbricht, to bring down Ross’ empire.
It was scheduled to have its world premiere at the Tribeca Film Festival on April 16, 2020. However, the festival was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic In December 2020, Lionsgate acquired U.S. distribution rights to the film, and set it for a February 19, 2021, release.
Silk Road (2021)
Directed by: Tiller Russell
Starring: Jason Clarke, Nick Robinson, Katie Aselton, Jimmi Simpson, Daniel David Stewart, Darrell Britt-Gibson, Lexi Rabe, Will Ropp, Paul Walter Hauser, Alexandra Shipp
Screenplay by: Tiller Russell
Production Design by: Richard Sherman
Cinematography by: Peter Flinckenberg
Film Editing by: Greg O’Bryant
Costume Design by: Cassidy Zachary
Set Decoration by: Susan Magestro
Music by: Mondo Boys
MPAA Rating: R for pervasive language, and drug content.
Distributed by: Lionsgate Films
Release Date: February 19, 2021 (United States)
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