Summer of Violence (2024)

Summer of Violence (2024)

Summer of Violence tells the story of Naomi, who turns down law school to pursue poetry. She struggles to survive in 1993 Denver, after being cut off during a period of violent crime in the city known as the Summer of Violence.

A gripping saga from 1993 unfolds as a passionate poet chooses her dreams over law school. This audacious decision incurs the wrath of her father, leading to an estrangement that propels her to Denver. Here, she channels her creativity to become a vocal activist against rampant gun violence.

Summer of Violence (2024)

When tragedy strikes close to home, her life spirals into chaos. The path to self-acceptance and healing lies in reconciliation with her family and rediscovering the fervor to live, honoring the memory of those who could not.

“Summer of Violence” isn’t just about surviving a violent summer; it’s about a young woman’s audacious journey to defy societal expectations and live her life on her own terms. Sit at the edge of your seat as you feel the tension building in an innocent girl’s life, as she is thrown into a world seething with violence, battling her way through the throes on a quest to find her identity.

Become part of a cinematic revelation that encapsulates the sun-kissed charm of summer, the thrill of youthful innocence, juxtaposed with the sinister undertones of violence. Join us to bring “Summer of Violence” to screens worldwide. Let’s narrate the unsaid saga of the ’93 summer of violence and create an unforgettable cinematic experience together.

Summer of Violence Movie Poster (2024)

Summer of Violence (2024)

Directed by: Nicki Micheaux
Starring: Kasey Inez, Jahking Guillory, Damon Gupton, Madhulika Krishnan, Pedro Correa, Shon Wilson, Cameron Alexander, Mallory Corinne, Anthony DeCarlo, Michael Deni, Kendall Jameson
Screenplay by: Nicki Micheaux
Production Design by: Phi Tran
Cinematography by: Benjamin Kitchens
Film Editing by: Evan Ahlgren
Art Direction by: Cesar De La Cruz
Makeup Department: Jessica Thommes
Music by: Marcus Norris
MPAA Rating: PG-13 for violence and gore.
Distributed by: Quiver Distribution
Release Date: August 23, 2024

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