The Good Neighbor Movie Storyline. A nightmarish evening unfolds for neighbors David (Luke Kleintank) and Robert (Jonathan Rhys Meyers) when they accidentally hit a woman on her bike and flee the scene. While David is increasingly plagued by feelings of guilt, Robert shows no remorse and becomes overbearing and possessive. When David meets Vanessa (Eloise Smyth), the victim’s sister, he submits to a reckless passion and underlying sense of redemption before realizing Robert will do unspeakable things to protect their secret.
The Good Neighbor is an American crime thriller film directed by Stephan Rick and starring Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Luke Kleintank, Bruce Davison, Eloise Smyth, Ieva Florence, Regina Razuma, Jurijs Djakonovs, Maxim Busel, Tom J. Benedict, Ieva Seglina and Agnese Budovska. The screenplay was written by Silja Clemens and Stephan Rick. The film was released on June 17, 2022 by Screen Media Films in the United States.
The Good Neighbor (2022)
Directed by: Stephan Rick
Starring: Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Luke Kleintank, Bruce Davison, Eloise Smyth, Ieva Florence, Regina Razuma, Jurijs Djakonovs, Maxim Busel, Tom J. Benedict, Ieva Seglina, Agnese Budovska
Screenplay by: Silja Clemens, Stephan Rick
Production Design by: Martins Straupe
Cinematography by: Stefan Ciupek
Film Editing by: Robert K. Lambert
Costume Design by: Liene Dobraja
Makeup Department: Emilija Eglite, Kristine Kajaka
Music by: Enis Rotthoff
MPAA Rating: R for language.
Distributed by: Screen Media Films
Release Date: June 17, 2022
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