The Shift movie storyline. In this modern-day retelling of Job, Kevin Garner (Kristoffer Polaha) embarks on a journey across worlds and dimensions to reunite with Molly (Elizabeth Tabish), his true love. The narrative unfolds as a dystopian drama and sci-fi thriller, where a mysterious adversary, The Benefactor (Neal McDonough), disrupts Kevin’s reality. Faced with infinite worlds and impossible choices, Kevin must navigate through an alternate reality, resisting The Benefactor’s tempting offer of wealth and power. As survival hangs in the balance, Kevin fights to return to the familiar world he cherishes and the woman he loves.
The Shift is an upcoming American science fiction film written and directed by Brock Heasley and starring Kristoffer Polaha, Neal McDonough, Elizabeth Tabish, Rose Reid, and Sean Astin. The film had an early screening at the 168 Film Festival in Fayetteville, Georgia on November 3, 2023. The movie was once scheduled to hit theatres in January 2024. The new release date is December 1, 2023.
The Shift (2023)
Directed by: Brock Heasley
Starring: Kristoffer Polaha, Neal McDonough, Elizabeth Tabish, Rose Reid, Sean Astin, John Billingsley, Jason Marsden, Nolan North, Emily Rose, Paras Patel, Jordan Walker Ross, Ginger Cressman
Screenplay by: Brock Heasley
Production Design by: Katherine Tucker
Cinematography by: Edd Lukas
Film Editing by: Chris Witt
Costume Design by: Anna Redmon
Set Decoration by: Abigail Armstrong
Music by: Dan Haseltine, Matthew S. Nelson
MPAA Rating: PG-13 for violence and thematic elements.
Distributed by: Angel Studios
Release Date: November 3, 2023 (168 Film Festival), December 1, 2023 (United States)
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