The Third Parent movie storyline. A neighborhood Fourth of July celebration is interrupted by a ferociously bizarre anomaly who overpowers a family in order to teach them how to become better people and more compliant citizens. Amidst the 4th of July facade of American greatness, a disturbing figure named Tommy Taffy emerges, disguising himself as a human to infiltrate a suburban neighborhood and impose authoritarian rule over the unsuspecting Hollow family.
The Third Parent is an American horror, sci-fi and thriller film directed by David Michaels and starring Shea Whigham, Olivia Munn, Zach Avery, Bruce Dern, Frank Grillo, Keith David, Taryn Manning, Mark Boone Junior, Jessica Medina, Taegen Burns, Jay Hieron and Alexander Wraith. The screenplay, written by Alexander Felix and originally titled Where Angels Die, was included in the 2013 Black List.
The Third Parent (2024)
Directed by: David Michaels
Screenplay by: David Michaels
Production Design by: Evan Webber
Cinematography by: Larry Smith
Art Direction by: Bacall Michaels
Makeup Department: Marcia King, Robert Kurtzman
Music by: Butch Vig
MPAA Rating: None.
Distributed by: Walters Media Group
Release Date: October 31, 2024
Views: 41