The Tiger Rising Movie Storyline. When 12-year-old Rob Horton (Christian Convery) discovers a caged tiger in the woods near his home, his imagination runs wild and life begins to change in the most unexpected ways. With the help of a wise and mysterious maid, Willie May (Queen Latifah) and the stubborn new girl in school (Madalen Mills), he navigates through childhood memories, heartache, and wondrous adventures in this heartwarming adaptation.
The Tiger Rising is a 2022 American drama film written and directed by Ray Giarratana and starring Christian Convery, Madalen Mills, Katharine McPhee, Sam Trammell, Dennis Quaid and Queen Latifah. It is based on the 2001 book of the same name by Kate DiCamillo. The film was released in theaters on January 21, 2022 and on Demand and Digital February 8, 2022.
In South Africa, the film earned $16,541 from 59 theaters in its opening weekend. In the United States and Canada, the film earned $364,216 from 872 theaters in its first weekend, and $214,980 in its second.
About the Story
Rob Horton is 12 years old and lives with his father in a Florida motel called the Kentucky Star. His father (named Robert), and Rob have recently moved to Lister, Florida, after the death of Rob’s mother, Caroline. Rob is quiet and often is bullied at school. Things begin to change when Rob discovers a tiger in the forest (locked up in a cage) while wandering the woods.
He then meets a girl named Sistine Bailey who has recently moved nearby. Rob shows Sistine the tiger. Rob, who usually keeps his feelings locked away begins to involuntarily open up emotionally to Sistine. Though Sistine insists on letting the tiger go, Rob is wary of what will happen to it if he does. Rob finally relents and releases the tiger, letting it run into the woods.
However, just moments later, Rob’s father shoots the tiger dead. At the tiger’s funeral, Sistine recites a part of William Blake’s The Tyger. Rob and his father confront their unresolved feelings about Rob’s mother and Rob begins looking forward to going to school with Sistine.
The Tiger Rising (2022)
Directed by: Ray Giarratana
Starring: Christian Convery, Dennis Quaid, Queen Latifah, Madalen Mills, Katharine McPhee, Sam Trammell, Nicholas Ryan Hernandez, Jayden Fontaine, Selah Kimbro Jones, Sarah Rad, Wayne Hughes
Screenplay by: Ray Giarratana
Production Design by: Michael Shaw
Cinematography by: Shane Kelly
Film Editing by: Christopher Gay
Costume Design by: Lindsay Kouri
Set Decoration by: Lauren Crawford
Art Direction by: Joseph Nadeau
Music by: Don L. Harper, Tommy Emmanuel
MPAA Rating: PG for thematic elements, language and brief violence.
Distributed by: Variance Films
Release Date: January 21, 2022
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