The Voices (2015)

The Voices Movie

Tagline: Hearing voices can be murder.

The Voices Movie Storyline. Jerry (Ryan Reynolds) is that chipper guy clocking the nine-to-five at a bathtub factory, with the offbeat charm of anyone who could use a few friends. With the help of his court-appointed psychiatrist (Jacki Weaver), he pursues his office crush (Gemma Arterton). However, the relationship takes a sudden, murderous turn after she stands him up for a date. Guided by his evil talking cat and benevolent talking dog, Jerry must decide whether to keep striving for normalcy, or indulge in a much more sinister path.

The Voices is a brilliant film about schizophrenia that balances horror and comedy with such aplomb you forget that what’s happening on the screen isn’t exactly healthy or good. Gemma Arterton joins Mr Whiskers and Bosco in some of the most entertaining internal conflicts to be shown on screen in years. Mr Whiskers hilariously confirms our deepest and darkest fears about cats while Bosco is the voice of reason.

Let’s be clear about this, Jerry is deeply disturbed and he needs help but that doesn’t keep you from being sucked into his strange world. His life in the real world at the bathtub factory hides a whole lot of crazy going on in his head. Jerry at his core is happy there and he likes his co workers, too bad about the little accident that starts it all going down hill.

The Voices is a psychological horror comedy film directed by Marjane Satrapi and written by Michael R. Perry. The film stars Ryan Reynolds, Gemma Arterton, Anna Kendrick, and Jacki Weaver. The film had its world premiere at 2014 Sundance Film Festival on January 19, 2014.[3]The film received positive reviews from critics. The film was released on demand and in theaters in the United States on February 6, 2015.

The Voices Movie Poster

The Voices (2015)

Directed by: Marjane Satrapi
Starring: Gemma Arterton, Anna Kendrick, Ryan Reynolds, Jacki Weaver, Gulliver McGrath, Stephanie Vogt, Ella Smith
Screenplay by: Michael R. Perry
Production Design by: Udo Kramer
Cinematography by: Maxime Alexandre
Film Editing by: Stéphane Roche
Costume Design by: Bettina Helmi
Music by: Olivier Bernet
MPAA Rating: R for bloody violence, and for language including sexual references.
Studio: Lionsgate Films
Release Date: February 6, 2015

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