All the Boys Love Mandy Lane (2013)


All the Boys Love Mandy Lane

Taglines: There’s something about Mandy all the boys love..

Mandy Lane. Beautiful. Untouched. High school royalty waiting to be crowned. Since the dawn of Junior year, men have tried to possess her. Some have even died in reckless pursuit of this 16 year-old Texas angel.

Chloe and Red invite Mandy out to Red’s family ranch for the weekend. Mandy sees it as an excellent opportunity to cement her new friendships. The boys see it as an opportunity to finally get with Mandy Lane. Driving across the Texas landscape, the kids begin to gently chip away at the wall that surrounds her. Joints are smoked. A keg is stolen off a beer truck. Pills are crushed to fine powder and inhaled. Mandy observes it all with the gentle interest of a foreign tourist. And they love her for it.

At the ranch, all the boys start to make their move – each one hoping to be the first to attain the unattainable Mandy Lane. However, as night falls and the booze, drugs, and hormones take over, things are said and advances made which can never be reversed. Suddenly, sweet Mandy finds herself pit in a brutal struggle for survival against someone whose interest she has rejected. Forget reading, writing and arithmetic. In high school, learning to be yourself and not succumbing to peer pressure is the ultimate test. And this is one exam that Mandy is determined not to fail.

All the Boys Love Mandy Lane is an American slasher film directed by Jonathan Levine, and starring Amber Heard, Michael Welch, Whitney Able and Anson Mount. The plot centers on a group of popular high schoolers who invite an attractive outsider, Mandy Lane, to spend the weekend at a secluded ranch house, where they are followed by a merciless killer.

All the Boys Love Mandy Lane - Amber Heard

About the Story (2013)

At a Texas high school, Mandy Lane is an outsider who becomes a “hot chick” over the summer. She starts getting a great deal of attention from her male classmates. One of those classmates, Dylan, invites Mandy to a pool party at his house and she accepts with the provision that her best friend, Emmet (another outsider and bullying victim), can come along with her.

At the party, Dylan makes passes at Mandy and puts his hand on Mandy’s thigh. Emmet sprays Dylan with a supersoaker. Dylan attacks Emmett, throws him into the pool, and holds his head under water until Mandy intercedes. Emmet retreats to a roof overlooking the pool. Dylan comes to get him down but Emmet tricks him into jumping from the roof into the pool. When Dylan jumps he hits his head on cement and dies.

Nine months later, popular stoner Red is having a small party at his father’s cattle ranch and has invited Mandy along. She obtains permission from her aunt and agrees to go. Since Dylan’s death, she has been befriended by many of Dylan’s friends. Conversely, Emmet has been almost completely ostracized and is subjected to even more intense bullying.

When they arrive at the ranch, Chloe refuses to drive her car over the cattle grid and so, with a shortage of seats in the car still being used, Mandy and Bird elect to walk to the ranch. While walking, Bird tries to prove he is a “gentleman”, but before he can do more than kiss Mandy’s cheek, he is interrupted by Garth, the ranch hand, who drives Mandy and Bird the rest of the way to the ranch.

All the Boys Love Mandy Lane - Amber Heard

The kids go swimming in a nearby lake, then return to the house to drink and play games. After a disparaging remark, Jake walks out, followed by Marlin. They stop in a cattle shed where they engage in oral sex. Jake leaves after an argument. When Jake is far from the shed, Marlin gets knocked out with the butt of a double-barrel shotgun by a hooded figure. Marlin awakens to find the double-barrel shotgun rammed down her throat, almost killing her and breaking her jaw.

When Jake returns to the house, the power goes out. The group separates: Red goes to help Chloe who is upstairs alone, Bird goes out to start the generator, and Mandy starts lighting candles in the kitchen. Mandy is confronted by Jake, who confesses to turning off the power in order to spend time alone with her; when he tries to kiss her, she refuses, and he storms out. The power comes back on.

Jake goes looking for Marlin after being rejected by both Mandy and Chloe, and takes Red’s car and gun. Jake drives around in the darkness and eventually finds Marlin sitting by the lake. Just as he realizes she is injured he is pushed into the lake and then shot in the head; the hooded killer, who is revealed to be Emmet, then breaks Marlin’s neck with the butt of the shotgun.

Soon after, Bird, Mandy, Red and Chloe are joined by Garth at the house after a stranger in Red’s car fires fireworks at them on the porch. Bird chases after the car, believing that Jake is the driver, but encounters Emmet. During their fight, Emmet blinds Bird by slashing him across his eyes and stabs him to death. At the ranch, Mandy falls asleep in the kitchen, and Red and Chloe fall asleep on the couch.

In the morning, Emmet enters the house and approaches the sleeping Mandy, stroking her hair. Garth hears noise in the kitchen and suspects someone is in the house, but upon rushing downstairs finds Mandy still asleep with blood on her hair; “wake up” is spelled out in bloody alphabet magnets on the refrigerator. Garth and Mandy realize that they need to leave and go to wake up Red and Chloe.

As they open the door to leave, Emmet shoots Garth. Red and Chloe escape out the back door of the house and run to Chloe’s car, where they discover the bodies of Jake and Marlin dangling from a barbed-wire fence. Distraught, Chloe and Red kiss one another, when Red is shot from afar; paralyzed, he is killed off-screen by Emmet. Chloe flees, heading back to the ranch, and finds Bird’s body in the hay fields. As she runs, she is chased by Emmet, who is driving her car.

Meanwhile, Mandy retrieves the keys to Garth’s Bronco and finds the knife that Emmet used to kill Bird. She sees Chloe running towards the ranch, screaming, pursued by Emmet. Chloe runs to Mandy, but upon embracing her, Mandy stabs her in the stomach. While Chloe bleeds to death, Emmet and Mandy discuss their suicide pact; Mandy will take pills before shooting Emmet in the heart. Mandy then refuses, never having intended to kill herself. She and Emmet get into an argument and begin fighting. Garth hears Mandy yell for help and shoots Emmet, who attacks him.

All the Boys Love Mandy Lane Poster

All the Boys Love Mandy Lane (2013)

Directed by: Jonathan Levine
Starring: Amber Heard, Anson Mount, Whitney Able, Michael Welch, Edwin Hodge, Melissa Price, Peyton Hayslip, Brooke Bloom, Amber Bartlett
Screenplay by: Jacob Forman
Production Design by: Thomas S. Hammock
Cinematography byB Darren Genet
Film Editing by: Josh Noyes
Costume Design by: Michelle Lynette Bush
Art Direction by: Megan Hutchison
Music by: Mark Schulz
MPAA Rating: R for strong disturbing violence, pervasive drug and alcohol use, sexuality / nudity and language – all involving teens.
Studio: Radius-TWC
Release Date: October 11, 2013

Visits: 88