When your nightmare becomes reality.
Nelson has a vivid nightmare of a woman being murdered and discovers that this is the beginning of a string of actual serial murders. To clear up this disturbing mystery, he pursues the serial killer to find out why he is haunting his dreams.
The Window is an American independent thriller movie directed by Steve Spel and starring by Andrew J McGuinness, Leah Costello, Mike Dobbyn, Monte James, Lisa Jai, Greer Bishop, Meghan Keeler, Rosemary Gore, Varda Appleton, Gabrielle Whelan, Jenise Jacquin. The movie is released on July 9th, 2014 and distributed by Brillen Entertainment.
The Window
Directed by: Steve Spel
Starring: Andrew J McGuinness, Leah Costello, Mike Dobbyn, Monte James, Lisa Jai, Greer Bishop, Meghan Keeler, Rosemary Gore, Varda Appleton, Gabrielle Whelan, Jenise Jacquin
Screenplay by: Steve Spel
Cinematography by: Justin M. Garcia
Film Editing by: Steve Spel
Visual Effects by: Nathan Koga
Music by: Ian Arber
MPAA Rating: None.
Studio: Brillen Entertainment
Release Date: July 9, 2014
Visits: 82