Can You Keep a Secret? (2019)

Can You Keep a Secret? (2019)

Emma Corrigan is a young woman in London, England. She is in a stable, but dull, relationship with the “perfect” man, and is currently attempting to climb the corporate ladder at Panther Cola, a multi-national cola company headquartered in London. Satisfied with life, she is thrown off-kilter when she mistakenly blurts out all of her inner secrets to a complete stranger on a plane when it hits turbulence and she believes she is going to die.

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American Woman (2019) - Sienna Miller

American Woman (2019)

Debra (Sienna Miller), a 30 or 40-something single mother (and amazingly, grandmother) living in a small, chaotic home in a PA town. We meet her as she puts on a body conscious dress and calls out “Bridget” repeatedly. That’s her teenage daughter (Sky Ferreira) she had birthed at 16 years of age, who grew up to do the same thing as her mom did: have a child way too young.

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