The Last Deal (2023)

The Last Deal (2023) - Audra Van Hees
The Last Deal (2023) – Audra Van Hees

The Last Deal is more of a crime thriller than an action movie but it still makes for an engaging tale of a drug deal gone very wrong with solid performances from the cast. Anthony Molinari makes for a relatively sympathetic lead in Vincent and we can almost feel his desperation as he tries to recover some money that was stolen after the aforementioned drug deal.

There is still some action especially towards the end as Vincent takes drastic measures to protect his family. It also is at times shockingly violent too with one of the most convincing (and disturbing) throat slitting scenes I’ve witnessed for some time. Sala Baker is truly hateful as the villain known as The Boss and the final showdown between he and Vincent is vicious and satisfying.

The rest of the film is quite slow and talky mostly focusing on Vincent trying to keep his marijuana business relevant in an ever changing world but it is a side of life I’ve never been familiar with which makes it something fresh. Overall, The Last Deal is a slowburn affair with little in the way of action for the first half but it picks up for the finale and the performances are impressive throughout.

The Last Deal Movie Poster (2023)

The Last Deal (2023)

Directed by: Jonathan Salemi
Starring: Sala Baker, Kenny Johnston, Gigi Gustin, Mike Ferguson, Anthony Molinari, Conner Floyd, Audra Van Hees, Addison Bowman, Sofia Masson, Jeffri Lauren, Linda Burzynski
Screenplay by: Jonathan Salemi
Production Design by:
Cinematography by: Dominic López
Film Editing by: Ryan Liebert
Makeup Department: Robert Bravo
Music by: Tony Fiala
MPAA Rating: R for some strong violence, drug content, language throughout, brief sexuality and nudity.
Distributed by: Scatena & Rosner Films
Release Date: February 3, 2023

Visits: 13